Monday, March 10, 2008


This weekend I had something weird come over me and I decided to buy 'bleach blonde' hair dye (my hair is dark brown) so I could transform. I guess if I think about it I'll come up with a reason but that is not my reason for my post.

After I had applied my blonde potion I started thinking about Angela Bassett in 'Whats Love Gotta Do With It' and started thinking about my hair falling out due to the shock of changing my hair so drastically. I freaked out since I saw the front part of my hair turn golden I started to wash it off. Its pretty damn blonde but I'm not happy. I look freakish. Maybe its because I'm not use to it but I colored my eyebrows too and now my lashes are dark and I look like I got them painted dark.

I almost called in "ugly" to work today and stay home with attempts to fix my mistake but instead I came in and it wasn't a big deal. My boss tends to say things that aren't very nice but for whatever reason he feel compelled to tell me, which he did.

I'll be going back to the basics later on today. I'm just waiting for the time to come.

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