Tonight which is now early morning my good friend who I have been talking about with cancer received a call from her brother who said their mother was bleeding out of her mouth really late in the night. We were frantic and I told her if need be we would take off tonight or tomorrow and drive the 5 hours to see her Mom and make sure everything is fine or not fine and be there for those last hours or minutes.
Apparently she took a medication that affected her so badly she started bleeding through her mouth. I can't recall the medication's name but you start bleeding through your saliva because it is so thinned out (like Advil does but worse) that it comes out through your saliva glands. Apparently all is good now but that medication did not agree with her and other medications she is taking.
My question is: WTF these doctors go to school and ask you what other medication you're taking and for what? I don't understand it personally?
My same good friend almost died a couple months ago because she mixed medication she was taking. She literally stopped breathing in front of me and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to call an ambulance but while her jerk boyfriend smoked weed he said not to. (Same friend I've talked about who had a shit boyfriend) She had called me and said barely that she couldn't breathe and her boyfriend got on the phone and said they'd call me back. Me being the friend I am couldn't wait to have him call me back especially when my friend had called me and rushed over. She practically stopped breathing in front of me and I thought that was it. She surpassed it somehow and I told her never to take those pills and tell the doctor the next day. She did and he told her not to take them if they were causing that reaction. (gee thanks doctor---a little late!)
They really don't know anything that is one reason I hate certain doctors. If I don't feel safe or like you're talking to me like I'm an invalid---I can't go to you. Luckily I have a great doctor that I adore and think the world of.
About two years ago I sprained my ankle (see above picture) something awful and my regular doctor was on maternity leave (despite her being a lesbian but they can have kids too you know) and went to some other doctor who I found through my medical in-network insurance). This crack head doctor who looked like she had been trampled at Woodstock couldn't even wrap my foot and after attempting three times told me to do it myself. She was more concerned about this piece of metal she found (via x-ray) in the back of my right foot. (I received this piece of metal as a baby---when babies get their blood drawn after being born doctors use a device to draw the blood from the back of the foot. The device has a metal tip, which must of broken off in my foot and healed within my foot forever cast inside me (and no I don't set metal detectors off). Anyhow that is what she was more into then my ankle being horribly swollen and twisted. (what'd she want to do operate?) Over two years later and my foot is not back to normal and I can not do any of the physical activities that I use to. Its horrible and do not want to go into details but you get the point.