Ask anyone that knows me and they'll tell you I'm a big eBay freakin' wizard. I love eBay mainly because ANYTHING you may ever been looking for is right there at the stroke of a couple keys on your computer. BOOM there you go memory flash. Speaking of which I wonder if they have that Kermit the Frog I torched that belonged to my younger sister? Nothing says I'm sorry like getting them the exact item years later huh?
Anyhow I have been needing to put up a lot of items I need to sell and finally get rid of and finally started doing so today. Mainly hard to find British albums and what already here and ready for shipping in the United States. I have a big box of gay porn a friend gave me that I've been meaning to post to but I'm not sure what the porn market is like on eBay. Every Colton Ford item I've ever bid on is always outbidded by some eWhore.
Just thought I'd change up the blogging topic.
UPDATE: Funny that I posted this today. I put those products up to sell and I get some suspension on my account with no one to talk to of course. All these internet companies never have anyone you can call and try to get "their mistake" corrected hell you can barely do that with your any utility company. WTF?! If and when they do fix it all you get is their worthless apologies, which does not help all those days they kept you from buying and paying for items.
hey naked - who threw that ham here and yes i'm back in austin, email me if you want. my email is listed on my blog.
Kurt: I'm aware. Just sucks that you have to verify via cc each time you want to take a looky behind the beaded curtain. lol
Kelicious: Welcome back! I hope you start blogging again.
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